Our story begins in 1976 when the founding members Paolini Gianfranco, Bellosi Angelo, Salvini Romano and Dal Monte Angelo gave life to “Artigian Filo”, which later became “Imola Filo srl”, in 1988. Over the years the management of the The company has passed into the hands of their respective children, who, with great enthusiasm and determination, have continued their precious work leading it to be increasingly competitive and professional, collaborating with the largest leading companies in the sector. A very important and very difficult step was to direct the company towards its own market, moving from being subcontractors to working and collaborating directly with the end customer. In order to meet the needs of both the market and the customer, we have set up a technical office thanks to which, with the appropriate software, we can design new products and propose many new solutions. Thus was born our first product catalog and also our first network of commercial agents distributed throughout Italy, with well-defined market plans and strategies … the road is long … humble and determined towards our goals!


Our Skills are seriousness, constancy, punctuality and the continuous search for improvement and customer satisfaction.
Our strength is in the great versatility of production and high specialization in the creation of specific products on customer request.